Today I'm sharing a swipe email you can use to follow up with people AFTER you've sent them an initial welcome email when they sign up (and if you're following along with me on the "6 emails to send" journey, this falls as email #3).

And if you're all...""6 emails to send" journey, whaaaat!?!", read the info below, in the green box.
What the heck is going on here? 🧐Check out the week #1 email here with more info re: how I'll be sending an email to you from our free "6 Emails to Send" swipe every week thru end of May. And once you check that out, if you'd like to play catch up, here's the email from week #2.

Grab the "6 emails to send" swipe files right here, friend. They are written mad libs style, so truly everyone's emails will look unique.

The below email from me is the 3rd email in the free "6 emails to send" swipe bundle, named the "Did you see this?" email. And you can take it, tweak it and send to your own variation to YOUR list today. Get your free email #3 swipe right here.

^^ New to the term "swipe"? Just means you can copy/paste/tweak and use as your own! 🤓

Alright! So below is my adaption of the email #3 swipe, and I'm using it to share our real deal free training on taking your people from Curious to Customers. 🙌

There is nothing we love MORE than seeing people use their MV sites, friend. Which is why we created the Curious to Customer training to help you maximize your MV site. And you already have access to it right here.

When you start USING (and having fun with) your MV, things like this start happening:

Our drive to help you succeed with your MV site (and your business) is why we put together the Curious to Customer framework training, friend.

We want to make sure you aren't stuck in set-up-landia, and instead you're sharing love notes like the above in our Collaborative user community! (Which if you're not a member of yet, you totally should be...join here)

So know THIS...

Whether you're reading this on your computer or phone, you can pop on over to the Curious to Customer training to learn about what to put in your MV (and all the basics around warm/hot leads) and in under an hour have more than enough insights (and enthusiasm/motivation) to hit the ground running in your own site.

Totes free.

You're welcome, friend. 🤓

Fist bump from afar!
Erin Kelly

CEO & Strategy Brain Co-founder
PS. Here are 3 other ways we're supporting your "I can't wait to share this with my people" MV site dreams!

#1 -- We've just kicked off the final month of our Maximize Your MV mastermind, and had rave reviews from those inside that are finally building momentum and getting things DONE. It's not too late to join us inside, friend.

Check out the mastermind details here

#2 -- Did you know weekly office hours calls are included with paid MV plans? And we just started a weekly email series giving you the "best hits" from the Collab community, in case you don't want to play scroll overwhelm. Oh yeah, and you also get 6 months worth of email swipes. 😍

Which is why it's kind of a no brainer to snag our free month of a paid plan, and see how you like all of the freebies that come along with it, friend.

👉👉Upgrade to a paid plan for free here

#3 -- Mark your calendar! Our third Fast Action Freebie event is happening this Friday in the Collaborative, starting at 9AM EDT / ending Saturday, May 9th at 9AM EDT. SEO pro, Meg Casebolt, will be offering up her amazing SEO Playbook for FREE, for 24 hours. Better SEO = better visibility for your MV site!

👉👉If you haven't already, join the Collaborative here

Grab your forever free account here (no credit card required) & start playing!
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