Ready for week 2 of our "let's send emails together" party? 👍👎Either way, be sure to scroll down for info on the free design templates we'll be sharing tomorrow for Fast Action Friday!

And if you're all..."week 2 of whaaaat!?!", read the info below, in the green box.
What the heck is going on here? 🧐Check out the week #1 email here with more info re: how I'll be sending an email to you from our free "6 Emails to Send" swipe every week thru end of May -- and how you can follow along, and use it as accountability/inspo to send a swipe to your own list!

You can grab the "6 emails to send" swipe files right here, friend. They are written mad libs style, so truly everyone's emails will look unique.

The below email from me is the 2nd email in the free swipe bundle, named the "Let's Talk" email. And you can take it, tweak it and send to your own variation to YOUR list today. Get your free email swipe right here.

^^ New to the term "swipe"? Just means you can copy/paste/tweak and use as your own! 🤓

Alright! So below is my adaption of email #2 from the swipes, and using it to share our real deal free training on taking your people from Curious to Customers. 🙌

I might be a bit of a drag at parties friend -- because there is nothing I enjoy talking about MORE than how to leverage your MV site to take people on a journey from curious to customers (and repeat customers at that!).

You can tell by looking at my kindle that I'm pretty darn obsessed with supportive selling, buying behaviors, improving retention and completion rates, and overall user journey.

But here's the thing, friend.

I know you want an MV site that helps you sell more and support your new, happy customers, but you don't really want to geek out endlessly to HOW to do that. 🤯🤯🤯That's where I come in.

My endless enthusiasm for learning about the newest way to connect with your people and how to even get more hot leads for your offers is now distilled into easy action steps for YOU to use.

You don't need to become an expert in supportive sales. We already are over here at MV HQ.

Which is why I pulled all of the most relevant, most up to date goodness from my brain and created a free training for you alllll around helping people go from curious to customers, with the help of my fellow #TeamMV experts and THEIR brains.

👉You can hop on over here, and in less than 5 minutes understand the core strategy of how to maximize your MV site to take people from curious to customer...and if you want to dive deeper, there is a podcast episode embedded in the lesson to listen to as well.

👉Or you can jump right on ahead here and in a little over 20 min learn from Mike, CTO & co-founder MV (and our resident hot leads pro) on how to follow up with your hot leads in a way that feels good, to help support them on their journey.

Both of the above lessons will help you make the most of your MV site -- without wasting any time on googling, reading, or watching some long *yawn enducing* workshop on ALL THE THINGS about MV.

I've got your back.

I'll do the studying. You do the selling + supporting.

Pop on over to the Curious to Customer training. It's your new home with everything you need to make the most of your MV site in one place.
And I promise it won't feel like a drag. 😖😬😳


Our second Fast Action Freebie event is happening tomorrow in the Collaborative, starting at
10am PDT / 6pm BST. Design pro, Dee Woodward, will be offering up her amazing personality based design templates for FREE, for a short time.

👉👉Check out this post here for more info on times (if you aren't in the Collab yet, be sure to click here and request to join for the post link to work)

👉👉And then pop over here to Dee's MV site to take her free quiz + see what design personality you are

Fist bump from afar!
Erin Kelly

CEO & Strategy Brain Co-founder
PS. Heads up, friend!! 🚨Our mastermind is running for one more month. So if you want to build momentum with your MV site, and create something you're confident to's the place to be for May. 💪

Come join us if you want access to a special, smaller, focused community of people like you, a roadmap of resources to take you through Building, Testing, Sharing and Connecting, and daily prompts to keep you moving forward.

Oh yeah, and a step-by-step training call on using MV, followed by two shorter co-working + Q&A calls with Katrina.

👉👉Check out the details here!

>> Is it for you? The mastermind is a good fit if you're new to MV or not feeling confident about your MV site yet!

Grab your forever free account here (no credit card required) & start playing!
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