I know from polling re: top struggles that sending consistent emails is TOUGH for 99.2% of our users. If you fall into that %, you're going to want to open this email, friend.

YAY. You opened. 🎊Which means you almost DEFINITELY fall into that 99.2%. So here's the deal, friend. I want to help you. We're going to work together via your inbox over the next 6 weeks to maximize the sales and engagement you can generate using MV + sending emails.

I'm basically going to virtually hold your hand. We're in this together. 🙌

Starting today, I'll be sending emails to YOU using our "6 emails to send" swipe files, friend.
And I'd love for you to commit to sending a consistent weekly email right along with me.


  1. Grab the templates and batch it out
  2. Use my weekly email as a reminder to send to your own list

Want option #1? Cool. Grab the templates in the next week or so, when your brain is fresh, open your email tool and batch edit/schedule these emails out.

Want option #2? Simply send whenever you get an email from me (which will be a reminder to send an email to YOUR list, and I'll include the swipe links in every email so you can use that as a prompt to grab one and send to your own people).

Sound good? Grab your mad libs style email swipes right here. You don't even need to log in, and you can grab all 6 weeks worth of swipes, or pick and choose.

I'll be sending all of these swipes to you over the coming 5 weeks (the below email is the re-introduction swipe) so you can see them in action.

Common concern: "won't my emails look like everyone else's?" 🧐Nope! Because they are mad libs style, I guarantee 5 people could send you the same email swipe and you'd never know that it was from a "template".

👉Check out the 6 emails to send swipes here.

Common question: "Is it really that important to send consistent emails?" Uhhh, yes. And for plenty of reasons -- from email being one of the highest conversion methods out there to your people wanting to hear from you to it's what makes your MV site flex it's gorgeous muscles! 💪

OK. Below is EM#1, aka the re-introduction swipe, aka a great way to remind people about a free resource you've already put together for them.
I sat down at my computer this morning, friend, and my fingers were ITCHING to tell you about the simplest steps to get more sales, and engagement in your business, using your MV site.

Maximizing the energy you put into your MV site is one of my favorite subjects because once you start leveraging your MV, you'll fall even more in love with it because the results will speak for themselves. 😍 And I know that you want help standing out from the NOISY crowd online, so that the right people can find you and buy from that you can freaking HEEEEELP them.

It's why we're internet friends! We light up when we're helping people. 💪

And friends like to make their friend's lives easier, yes? That's why I've rounded up the most important steps to leverage your MV site, and put it all in one place for you. I'm calling it the Curious to Customer Framework training (check it here).

The C2C training includes things like:

All you have to do is pop on over here, and the entire Curious to Customer training is there for you, all in one place. 🤓

No more digging for PDFs in some dusty folder on your computer, or trying to sort through endless emails looking for a link. This is your new home for making the most of your MV site so that you can stand out from the online noise in a BIG way. You get small steps, big strategies and a hearty dash of "hahah!" gifs.

Oh, and this training is mobile friendly, friend so you can visit whether you're on your phone, tablet or computer. Preferably with your favorite beverage in hand. 🍷☕️🥛🍵🧃

If you're short on time, friend -- go straight here to hear Mike, CTO and co-founder of MV + Katrina, our leader of Customer Happiness, talk about the evolution of her own MV site (no better inspo on taking imperfect action).

It's a good convo, and I think you'll love them as much as I do! 😍

Fist bump from afar!
Erin Kelly

CEO & Strategy Brain Co-founder
PS. Heads up, friend, we will NOT be running our mastermind after May. It's been a great success for supporting people through the early days of COVID, but we took a deep assessment of team bandwidth long term and where we can have the greatest impact. And the mastermind falls under the "just because you can, and it's awesome, doesn't mean you should" umbrella. ☂️

So if you want to participate in the mastermind, be sure to join us for May!

>> Is it for you? The mastermind is a good fit if you're new to MV or not feeling confident about your MV site yet!

Grab your forever free account here (no credit card required) & start playing!
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